Philosophy & Religion Graduate Student Association

The Philosophy and Religion Graduate Student Association (PRGSA) is a student organization for graduate students studying Philosophy and Religion at UNT. The purpose of PRGSA is to foster and strengthen community among philosophy graduate students, present a shared graduate student voice to the faculty, and to likewise have dialogue between the faculty and graduate students. PRGSA membership is open to MA and PhD students in the Department of Philosophy and Religion, as well as to graduate students in other departments, undeclared graduate students, and non-degree seeking graduate students who take graduate-level PHIL courses (5000+) on a semi-regular basis.

(Download the PRGSA Constitution) PRGSA initially began in Fall 2008, became a formal organization in Spring 2009, and officially became a Student Organization at UNT in Spring 2010.

PRGSA holds meetings approximately once a month or as needed for current issues.

PRGSA may be contacted through Anna Kokareva or Sue McRae.

Current positions:
Faculty Liaison - Shoshana McIntosh
Communications Coordinator - Anna Kokareva
Secretary - Sue McRae
Community Coordinator - Hunnington Sloan
Public Relations - Kevin Siefert