Recent Dissertations

Pedro Brea, "The Birth of Energy from the Spirit of Revenge:  On the Genealogy of the Concept of ‘Energy’ and its Relation to Time"

Darry Howard, "Eradicating Economic Structural Violence: Applying Martin Luther King Jr’s Philosophy of Nonviolence and Love to Fight Poverty"

Robert Oropeza, "Home at the Crossroads: A Phenomenological Journey of Xicanx Identity in the Borderland Through, Place, Food, and Language

Jamie Lobstein, “Aiming at Apposite Artworks:  An Aggregating of Alain Locke’s Aesthetics”

Maggie Brown, "Queer Faith, Wyrd Hope, Loving Struggle: A Reconsideration & Application of Karl Jaspers’ Existenzphilosophie Toward Queer Liberation"

Bosco Andrews, "The Flower of Time: Towards a Non-Linear Theory of Time"

Zeno Serban, "Ethica Existentae"

David Mackh, "'Where There is No Love, Put Love': Rethinking Our Life with Technology"

Violet Toole, "The Question Concerning Endocrinology: Judith Butler's Gender Theory and Transgender Hormone Therapy"

Jae Webb, "An Unfortunate Unfitness: The Organismic Faults Detracting From The Probability of Sustainable Future Thriving in the Human Species"

Valentina Gonzalez, "Epistemological, ontological, and ethical dimensions of biocultural rights: The Case of the Atrato River, Columbia

Teresa Moss, "Thinking Outside the Pipe: The Role of Participatory Water Ethics and Watershed Education Community Action Networks (WE CANs) in the Creation of a New Urban Water Narrative"

Danqiong (Joy) Zhu, "Meeting Mosses: Toward Convivial Biocultural Conservation"

Jacob Grossman, "Ontology of Avulsion: Posthuman Freedom and Accidental Becoming"

Rika Tsuji, "Thinking Through the Ecological Crisis with Hannah Arendt"

Jared Opoien, "Life and Death in the Field: Farmer Suicide and the Necessity to Feed"

Jeff Gessas, "Environmental Philosophy After Standing Rock"

Benn Johnson, "Performative Resistance as Ecofeminist Praxis?"

Joey Aloi, "Between the Narrative and the Ambient: A Hermeneutic Approach to Environmental Aesthetics"

Nathan Bell, "Hermaneutic Environmental Philosophy: Identity, Action and the Imagination"

Charles Dailey, The Serpent Symbol in Tradition: A Study of Traditional Serpent and Dragon Symbolism"

Emmanuela Opoku, "Gender in Climate Policy and Climate Finance in Ghana"

Ben Ross, "Transhumanism: An Ontology of the World's Most Dangerous Idea"

Jennifer Rowland, "Conceptual Barriers to Decarbonization in US Energy Policy"

David Utsler, "Hermeneutics, Environments and Justice"

Justin Williams, "The Conceptual Autopoiesis"

Gordon Akon Yamga, "Oil in Ghana: A Curse or Not"

Giovanni Frigo, "An Ecocentric Philosophy of Energy in a Time of Transition"

Seth Thompson, "Art Unfettered: Bergson and a Fluid Conception of Art"

Joseph Tuminello, "The Food-Drug Relationship in Health and Medicine"

Kelli Barr, "Practicing Relevance: The Origins, Practics, and Future of Applied Philosophy"

Nora Ward, "Nature's Patrons: Private Sector Engagement and Powerful Environmentalisms"