Study a range of environmental issues from multidisciplinary perspectives, including climate change, wild animal management, environmental justice, sustainable development, literature and environment, and environmental health.

Minor in Environmental Studies (18 hours)

  • At least two courses in Philosophy

PHIL 2500 Environment and Society

PHIL 3475 Philosophy of Climate Change

PHIL 3660 Religion and the Environment

PHIL 3850 Philosophy of Animals

PHIL 3900 Philosophy of Food

PHIL 4053 Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation

PHIL 4054 Tracing Darwin's Path

PHIL 4200 Science, Technology, and Society

PHIL 4450 Philosophy of Ecology

PHIL 4650 Philosophy of Water

PHIL 4700 Environmental Philosophy

PHIL 4740 Environmental Justice

  • No more than four Interdisciplinary courses

ANTH 4400 Environmental Anthropology

BIOL 1132 Environmental Science

BIOL 1142 Microbes and Society

BIOL 2140 Principles of Biology

BIOL 2251 Biodiversity and Conservation of Animals

BIOL 3160 Conservation Biology

BIOL 3170 Plants and Human Society

EADP 2030 Climate Change Resilience

EADP 4015 Flood Plain Management

ECON 4440 Economics of Natural Resources and Environment

ENGL 4650 Literature and the Environment

GEOG 1710 Earth Science

GEOG 2170 Culture, Environment, and Society

GEOG 2180 Geosystems, Environment and Society

GEOG 3200 Sustainability

GEOG 3800 Weather and Climate

GEOG 4250 Climatology

GEOG 4260 Oceanography

GEOG 4420 Capitalism, Nature, and Climate Change

GEOL 1610 Introduction to Geology

GEOL 3010 Environmental Geology

GEOL 3020 Historical Geology

GEOL 3030 Earthquakes and Volcanoes

HIST 4275 American Environmental History

HIST 4276 Animal Histories

HLTH 1570 Environmental Health and Safety

HLTH 4350 Environmental Community Health

HMGT 2810 Introduction to International Sustainable Tourism

HMGT 2850 Introduction to Agritourism

PUBH 3025 Environmental Health

SOCI 4170 Environmental Sociology

WGST 4250 Gender and Sustainable Development

Any courses not listed above must be approved by the Department of Philosophy and Religion undergraduate advisor.