Philosophy Syllabi Requirments

Necessary components

Instructor Contact Information

  • Office location
  • Office Hours
  • Telephone number
  • Email address

TA Contact Information

  • Office location
  • Office Hours

Required Materials for the Classroom



Attendance Policy

Grading Policy

Makeup/Late Assignment Policy

Academic Dishonesty

ODA Statement

  • "The University of North Texas is on record as being committed to both the spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation; reference Public Law 92-112 - The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended. With the passage of new federal legislation entitled Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), pursuant to section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, there is renewed focus on providing this population with the same opportunities enjoyed by all citizens."

Drop Information

Outline of Weekly Coursework

Major Assignment/Exams and Final Exam Dates

Important Notes:

  • If there are any policy changes (i.e. grading, attendance) during the semester, a new/revised syllabus must be issued and given to all students.
  • The course syllabus should be on file in the department office.

Dropping Courses

  • Refer to Registrar's website for schedule -
  • Students may drop a course themselves prior to the Census Date (after the 12th day of class).
  • After the 12th class day for fall or spring terms/semesters, or the equivalent date for 8 week and summer sessions, students must first submit a completed Request to Drop Class form to the Registrar's Office. Students applying for financial aid are required to notify Student Financial Aid and Scholarships before dropping any class to learn how it will affect current or future financial aid eligibility.

    Students who drop a course between the 12th day of class and the designated day of a given semester's 10th week for fall or spring terms/semesters or the equivalent dates for 8 week and summer sessions, will receive a grade of W. Refer to online schedule for dates.


  • To withdraw from all classes, students must make a formal request by email, fax or in person with the Registrar's Office.


  • An "Incomplete" is a non-punitive grade given only if a student: (1) has completed 75% of the coursework, (2) is passing the course, (3) and has a justifiable and documented reason beyond the control of the student for not completing the work on schedule (i.e. serious illness or military service).
  • The student must complete the coursework within one year of granting the grade of "I".
  • If the student does not complete the coursework within one year, the student's grade will be changed from "I" to the default grade entered by the instructor or to an "F".

Final Exams

  • Faculty members are expected to administer final examinations at the designate times during the semester. See Registrar's website for Final Exam Schedule -
  • Students who have as many as three final examinations scheduled on one day may appeal to the Academic Dean to reschedule one of those examinations on another day during the final examination period.