
Why study religion?

The University of North Texas provides the only Religion degree program at a public university in the region. In our classes, all religions are treated equally, encouraging open, thought-provoking dialogue among students and faculty members. In addition, you gain a thorough understanding of the beliefs, practices and histories of multiple religious traditions and hone your oral and written communication skills. Our department has a particular strength in Christianity, religion and the environment, and comparative, cross-cultural religious studies. Scholarships are available to help you pursue your degree. The program's interdisciplinary approach allows you to take classes in a wide variety of disciplines, including philosophy, English, history, anthropology, sociology, political science, music, and more.

Your course work while pursuing your degree will address:

  • Historical, cultural and conceptual origins and development of world religions
  • How religion is similar to and different from philosophy, literature, sociology and anthropology
  • How to understand religions objectively
  • How to apply knowledge of religions to local and global issues
  • The influence of religions on politics, law, science and the arts

Our faculty members have expertise in religious studies, the philosophy of religion, religion and environment, and South and East Asian religions. Their research has examined:

  • Ancient Israel and religious history
  • Comparative studies between and Western monotheistic and South and East Asian religious traditions
  • Religion and the environment
  • Science, technology and religion
  • Christianity
  • Judaism
  • Buddhism
  • Hinduism
  • Jainism

Many companies hire religion majors because employers are interested in people who can not only think critically and communicate effectively but also who possess an understanding of global issues, and who are capable of seeing the world from the perspectives of others. Religion majors are well-prepared for jobs in education (both teaching and administration), government, law, non-profit management, social services, and publishing -- any area where critical thinking, reading, writing, and cultural understanding is needed. Here are some other careers where UNT religion majors thrive.

Religion majors excel in graduate and professional schools. You will be well-prepared to score highly on the LSATs, MCATs, GREs, and GMATs.