Dean of Students Resources

Dean of Students

If you notice a student is missing class, appears distracted, distressed, or depressed, you can always submit a Seeking Options and Solutions (SOS) Form, and someone from the Dean of Students office will look into it. This form is for students who are having academic problems due to finances, housing, illness, grief, car troubles, etc.

If you are concerned about a student's safety or behavior that could be harmful to oneself or others, you can submit a Care Team Reporting Form.

Here's a full list of reporting forms:

  • Sexual misconduct, relationship violence, and stalking
  • Academic integrity
  • Student misconduct
  • Disruptive students
  • Student organization misconduct
  • SOS program
  • CARE Team
  • Pregnancy/parenting accommodations (students only)
  • Call to military service (students only)
  • Other complaints (students only)