Gene Hargrove Graduate Fellowship (March 3 deadline)
The fellowship, first established in fall 2013, at the request of the donor Eugene C. (Gene) Hargrove (retired emeritus professor of philosophy in the UNT Department of Philosophy and Religion. This scholarship provides $1,000 to the recipient. Depending on the income available from the endowment, one or more graduate students in the Department of Philosophy and Religion at the University of North Texas in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences will be given the fellowship each year. Graduate students in good standing in the department, as well as incoming graduate students, are eligible to receive the fellowship. The fellowship will be awarded on the basis of academic performance standards and financial need.
To be eligible the student must:
Be a current or incoming graduate student in the Department of Philosophy and Religion at the University of North Texas;
Be enrolled as a full-time student in the semester that the fellowship is given (3 to 9 hours depending on the student's status), and,
Have a grade point average of at least 3.0.
John Kimmey Memorial Scholarship (March 3 deadline)
A scholarship in honor of Lecturer John Kimmey has been developed within the Department of Philosophy and Religion at the University of North Texas. The John Kimmey Scholar is the undergraduate honoree at Honor's Day and receives a stipend of $500. The award is made in the spring semester each year.
To be eligible the student must:
Be a full-time student at the University of North Texas, unless the student is nearing completion of his or her degree program and does not need full-time enrollment;
Have a G.P.A. of 3.0 or better at the university; and,
Be enrolled as a full-time student in Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy and Religion.
The scholar is selected by the Scholarship Committee of the Department of Philosophy and Religion. No application is required. The winner will be honored on Honors Day in the following April of the academic year. For more information email us at or call (940)-565-2266 or stop by our office at EESAT 225 1704 West Mulberry.
Continental Philosophy Scholarship in Honor of Richard Owsley (March 3 deadline)
A scholarship in honor of Professor Richard Owsley has been developed within the Department of Philosophy and Religion at the University of North Texas. When the fund generates income, an annual award of $500 will be given to one recipient each year.
To be eligible the student must:
Be an undergraduate major in the Department of Philosophy and Religion Studies;;
Maintain full-time enrollment at the University, unless he or she has fewer than twice the number of semester hours required to be full-time remaining in his or her degree program;
Enrolled as a full-time student in Philosophy or Religious Studies at the University and;.
Submit a paper on any aspect of Continental Philosophy (for example, a term paper from a philosophy class). The paper should be six to ten pages in length, double-spaced, with footnotes or endnotes, and be formatted in accordance with the University of Chicago Manual of Style (see any issue of the journal Environmental Ethics or go to
(In the event that there are no submissions by undergraduates, the scholarship may be offered to graduate students.)
Send your paper and completed application to with "Owsley Scholarship" in the subject line. You may also apply by mail to Scholarship Committee Department of Philosophy and Religion Studies 1155 Union Circle #310920 University of North Texas Denton, TX 76203-5017 or drop it off at EESAT 225 1704 West Mulberry.