Samuel and Mabel Danford Scholarship in Religious Studies

Eligibility for the Scholarship

To be eligible for consideration, a student must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be a full-time student at the University of North Texas, unless the student is nearing completion of his or her degree program and does not need full-time enrollment;
  2. Have a G.P.A. of 3.0 or better at the university; and,
  3. Be enrolled as a full-time student in Religious Studies in the Department of Philosophy and Religion Studies, having completed at least 60 credit hours of coursework.

How the Danford Scholar is Selected

The scholar is selected by the Scholarship Committee of the Department of Philosophy and Religion. No application is required. The winner will be honored on Honors Day in the following April of the academic year. For more information email us at or call (940)-565-2266 or stop by our office at EESAT 225 1704 West Mulberry.